THE moment of truth is upon us as the eagerly anticipated reopening of Calne High Street will come into force from Monday, 17th February.
LOCAL business owner Fay, and her beloved Serbian rescue dog, Peach, will be embarking on a challenging marathon hike in April to raise funds for the River Warriors Calne, a local charity dedicated to preserving the environment.
DOG owners are being reminded to keep their dogs on the lead as we head toward lambing season.
WILTSHIRE Police have said plans to re-purpose Calne's Police station will make no difference to the way they police the town.
The Wiltshire Community Foundation, a leading grant-giving organisation dedicated to supporting Wiltshire and Swindon, is seeking enthusiastic individuals to join its Board of Trustees.
The South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) is celebrating National Apprenticeship Week (10th to 16th February) by recognizing the crucial role apprentices play in providing dedicated patient care across the South West region.
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