A hundred and fifty thousand lower-cost train tickets are to be made available as Great Western Railway (GWR) launches its January Sale to encourage people to get ahead with a break away in the New Year.
THE Melksham, Chippenham & Calne branch of the Wilts & Berks Canal Trust has been awarded the charity's annual Tony Davy Award in recognition of their tireless efforts to restore a former waterway.
TRUSTEES at Marden Community Hub are continuing to face an uncertain future with positivity, following the shock news that the landlord of the building they currently occupy, has given them notice to leave.
HEART of the Community has celebrated another successful Christmas lunch event for the more vulnerable members of Calne who visit them at Coleman's Farm.
Today marked the official grand opening of the Calne Banking Hub, located on the High Street - a facility designed to address the growing need for accessible banking services in the community.
CALNE Neighbourhood Police Officers together with Wiltshire Council's Trading Standards team, paid a visit to a shop in Calne High Street today, 19th December 2024.
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