Ticket sales will open for this year's annual Lackham Lambing Weekends on Thursday 1st February.

The event draws thousands of visitors to Lackham Farm near Lacock, each year for a day of family fun.

You’ll be able to see ewes with their new­born lambs, and you may even see one being born.

Alongside this, there are tractor-trailer rides around the farm, you can watch cows being milked, fisit the robotic dairy farm and meet the small animals.

There will also be a variety of food and drink stalls, a mini farmer's market and a range of children's activities.

Tick­ets must be pur­chased through Eventbrite here (tick­et sales will open on Thurs­day 1st February). Pre book­ing is essen­tial – there are no tick­ets to be pur­chased at the gate. Tick­ets are priced at £13.50 for adults (over 16), £9 for chil­dren (3 and over), or £40 for a car (max­i­mum num­ber of peo­ple will be the num­ber legal­ly allowed to trav­el in that car). Chil­dren aged 2 and under can enter for free.

More tick­ets may be released clos­er to the event, but this depends on the weath­er fore­cast. If you do miss out on the first set of tick­ets, keep an eye on their social media accounts, where they'll will announce any addi­tion­al tick­et availability.

The weekends are on the 16th and 17th March and the 23rd and 24th March.

Please note: Only Guide Dogs and Trained Assis­tance Dogs are allowed on site. Some sheep can har­bour organ­isms which could affect a preg­nan­cy and there­fore it is strong­ly rec­om­mended not to vis­it­ if you are pregnant.