A scheme to encourage members of the local Calne community who may be feeling lonely at this time of year, to 'get chatting' has been launched by Fay's Bistro.

This initiative is a clever way of tackling loneliness and social isolation which can be at its height in the winter months. With that in mind there will be a designated space in Fay's Bistro, where customers of all ages can get together, meeting new people and having a chat.

Business owner, Fay Stallen said: "Winter can be a particularly loney time for people, especially young mums and the elderly so every Wednesday afternoon from 3pm we will have a table designated as a social table.

"This means if you come in alone and fancy having a chat you can sit on that table and join in with the conversation. You might feel awkward at first but I'm sure once the conversations get flowing you'll be glad you did 

"We are offering half price tea cakes with a hot drink Monday to Wednesday afternoons so that's an added bonus!"
Fay's Bistro is situated at 3 Beach Terrace in Calne town centre.



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