A SERVICE which offers bespoke service to adults with learning disabilities in Wiltshire has been rated as 'Good' following a recent inspection from the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Palmarium is based in Calne and only opened two years ago. National Care Group developed the new service in close partnership with Wiltshire County Council. Having recognised a gap in services within the region, Palmarium, was designed to prevent inappropriate placements for people away from their homes.

The service consists of seven self-contained flats providing an environment capable of meeting a variety of needs, ensuring choice and control with the least restrictive approach, and supporting people to achieve their full potential.

The CQC visited the site in April this year for an inspection and rated Palmarium 'Good' across all key criteria; safety, effectiveness, caring approach, responsiveness and leadership. Their report was published last month and highlights the service's commitment to high support standards and positive outcomes for adults living there.

One relative quoted in the report said, “Staff are nice and caring, I can go anytime, unannounced.” Another added: “The management are lovely and nice to talk to.”“The management are lovely and nice to talk to.”

The report included other reviews from relatives who complimented the staff for their knowledge and training and said they 'knew who the management team were and felt able to approach them most of the time or make a complaint if necessary'.

The Palmarium team told inspectors they felt listened to and this involvement supported good outcomes for people supported. All team members who spoke with inspectors said they enjoyed their work and were happy at the service. 

Palmarium is led by a well-respected and experienced registered manager, Peter Bosworth, who commented:

“I am hugely poud of the team here at Palmarium.  They have worked relentlessly to drive continual improvement, and to challenge themselves to learn and deliver the very best in person centred support for people with extremely complex additional needs. They evidence every day the core NCG values of passion, empowerment, respect and collaboration, and this is reflected throughout this excellent report “

Karen Lewis, Chief Operational Officer for National Care Group, said: “This inspection result reaffirms the value of our investment in Palmarium, a key addition to our regional portfolio and our commitment to empowering individuals with greater choice and control. The service plays a pivotal role in the NCG progression model, building on our past achievements within the county. Peter and the Palmarium team, working collaboratively with NCG support functions and local partners, have successfully brought to life the importance of providing tailored accommodation and support to every stage of a person's life."